Sweet Chelsea gets hardcored on camera
Are You Horny? Jerk Off And Relax
NO! NO! An angel like this should NOT be doing porn. Ever! But since Chelsea decided to go for it anyways (just broke up with her boyfriend so...), I will do my dirty duty and do my best to really make her wish shed never even thought about doing this. Okay, I cant do that. I mean, look at her! Chelsea is a (up till today) wholesome, all-American girl. She doesnt even pretend to be into other girls, she doesnt do drugs or other stupid shit, and has only had five men in her life. Well, make that six as of today. Shes about the furthest thing from a slut or a porn whore as you can imagine - and yet here she is. She can actually string words together to form sentences that make sense! Imagine that! Obviously she has never had sex on camera, for money or otherwise. And I actually believe her. What a nugget Ive found there. She is so genuinely happy and smiley the entire time that I have to summon all my evil internal spirits to do what I usually do. But once my mind gets there, oh boy...I love making girls cum. Fucking love it. Chelsea cums easily and theres so much pussy cum on me after a few of her orgasms I wonder if she is even aware of how truly orgasmic she is. Speaking of cumming, our little blonde, blue-eyed SDSU cutie enjoys having her ass licked even though you can tell she feels quite naughty for even just enjoying this. Thats not the only thing she discovers about herself today. Surprisingly, Chelsea doesnt shy away from even my most hardcore antics (yes, she does THAT for me too), but its clear a lot of this stuff were doing is new to her. Shes an eager little learner though and just like with her school work, she puts her entire being into this shoot. She is in the moment at all times, trying to figure out if she likes something or not. She doesnt complain if shes not into it, although there are a few moments that are just a bit too extreme for her. At least there arent any tears. At least not many. There are some fun revelations, espcially at the end when I drive her to the airport. Lets just say shes in a unique living situation, and she really doesnt understand the gravity of what she has just done... Chelsea is one in a million, brothers. Girls like her are the reason I started this site. Pure magic, I tell you. Enjoy! - Steve